about llcs

Since our founding in 1986, the Lebanese Ladies Cultural Society has aimed to provide educational scholarships to deserving young students in all areas of Lebanon and sponsor charitable activities in the United States.The LLCS seeks to promote a positive image of Lebanon and the Lebanese culture in America, as well as foster a spirit of loyalty and sisterhood among members of the organization and the community at large.Marking over thirty years of service, the LLCS pledges to keep its commitment to enrich the lives of our students with hope and opportunity through education. To date we have awarded over 14,000 scholarships totaling over $4 million. We believe that education is a necessary foundation for building a better life. It is the best investment that one can make for the development of the individual and society. Our motto is “Fulfill a Child’s Dream Through Education”

The Lebanese Ladies Cultural Society is a non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian tax exempt organization.


 Our History



In the mid 1980s while the Lebanese civil war raged on, a small group of Lebanese American women in Pasadena would meet for morning coffee to share their joys and struggles. They named these gatherings “Subhiyat Lubnan”. During these gatherings they began to discuss how they could help Lebanon, and they began to raise funds through backyard bazaars and luncheons in private homes. These women held a cultural event at the home of then Consul General of Lebanon to Los Angeles, The Honorable Antoine Chedid. His hospitality and encouragement with this cultural event helped catapult the Lebanese Ladies Cultural Society into a charitable organization in 1986.

The women realized that the ravages of war had disrupted the educational system in Lebanon and left many families destitute, so that their children were not able to obtain a proper education. The Lebanese Ladies Cultural Society Scholarship Program was established to provide scholarships for needy children in all areas of Lebanon.

For over 30 years the LLCS has upheld its commitment to its Scholarship Program by raising funds through monthly events and a spring gala. Through the generous work of many volunteers and a host of loyal supporters, the LLCS has become one of the most respected educational charities in the Lebanese American community.

Our first President, the late Leila Mishalany wrote: “These ladies come from all over Lebanon and are of varying backgrounds and diversity. It is through our love for the old country and our compassion for the underprivileged that we have overcome all barriers and have created a unique sisterhood that has achieved a unified force that has taken us beyond our wildest dreams. Our efforts are helping in molding and creating a whole new generation of educated youth in Lebanon, who will hopefully one day run our beloved country with peace and prosperity.


Over 30 Years of devotion…

Marking over thirty years of service, the LLCS pledges to keep its commitment to enrich the lives of children with hope and opportunity through education.
